Please Note:

This blog simply desires to share the truth, (and not just politically) and the truth is out there for those who seek it, we just blog about it, hence, Revelations of Truth!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Avatar: The Movie

Recently, I took my children to see Avatar at the Imax Theater. We had a great time!

The graphics in the movie were nothing short of spectacular. The fact that it is 3-D and we saw it at the IMAX movie theater only intensified the feeling of being in this magical world.

Now having said all that, I was a little disappointed with the messages in the movie. It made our wonderful men and women of our military look like these evil thugs and gave trees and plants God-like qualities.

It was about wo
rshiping creation (mother earth) and not the Creator (Our Almighty Father).

After the movie my children and I talked about our favorite parts and how magical the world in the other planet was. We talked about how a movie like this wasn't even possible a few years back and the genius imagination of James Cameron.

Thankfully, the door was wide open for a learning, teachable moment. I took the opportunity to talk with my children about the messages in the movie. We talked about how movies like this perpetuate the lie that the environment must be saved from the "awful humans".

And how as merely humans, it is easy to fall in love with creation and totally miss the source of that creation, our Creator.

We talked about how it is nice to enjoy movies BUT, not to be oblivious to the messa
ges they are sending us.

Movies are a wonderful tool that can be used for good or evil. Avatar, no doubt, is a movie in a class of it's own and yet the messages left a sour taste in my mouth.

Then take a movie like Facing the Giantsand wow! It will change your life and your outlook on our time here on Earth. It draws you closer to your Saviour and not away from Him all while entertaining you! It is a movie that you want to watch over and over again!

Now as far as Avatar, I fully agree with what Andrew Klavan has to say about it! (Read Below!)

Andrew Klavan is the author of such internationally bestselling crime novels as
True Crime, filmed by Clint Eastwood, and Don’t Say A Word, filmed starring Michael Douglas.

Blockbuster movie conveys disturbing message

A bestselling author and Hollywood screenwriter is delivering a warning about the blockbuster movie Avatar.

James Cameron's Avatar is on track to becoming the highest-grossing movie of all time. The hit movie is about a paraplegic war vet who is brought to another planet inhabited by a humanoid race. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.

But Andrew Klavan, who has been involved with successful movies starring Clint Eastwood, Michael Douglas, and other superstars, says the message from Avatar is disturbing.

"It romanticizes this primitive life and worship of nature, that in real life has not been very good for people," he explains. "It depicts our military, our Marines, as lunatics out to destroy primitive civilizations, which is the opposite of the American military."

Klavan encourages those who do see the movie to keep things in proper perspective.

"When you see these creatures sleeping on leaves that fold up and cover them like blankets, when you see them using plants that light up, when you see them [employing] almost a virtual Internet that works through a tree, remember those are all things that come to us through electricity, technology, invention, through mankind striving up and away from the kind of primitive life the film represents," he says.

Klavan's latest book, The Long Way Home, illustrates the journey of a morally and ethically sound man who must rely on his principles and faith as he finds himself the target of a jihadist plot.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Barack Obama and backwards profiling!

"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus